Signed in as:
We are on a mission to 'grow more Australian brands'
We are inspired by research from our parent agency Square Holes since 2004 illustrating the dominance of global brands and struggle of local brands to grow.
Primary research of product and brand realities
Research exploring market fit of products, including consumer needs and preferences, market gaps, optimal price and strategic priorities.
Research to map the category, and competitive brand landscape, where uncontested markets exist and brand health strengths and weaknesses.
Research to track brand health over time, including spontaneous and prompted awareness, consideration, growth and differentiation.
Research based strategy to grow the brand / revenue
Strategy frameworks leveraging research including brand pyramids to clearly articulate core distinctiveness, consumer drivers and message.
Strategy as to how to grow the brand in key markets and segments, including marketing and wider communications, media and standing out.
Strategy defining growth markets domestically and export, and how priorities differ in each market including key segments and geographies.
Assistance guiding brand creative, execution and growth
Support in writing creative briefs based on the research and strategy. Including defining the target market, key messages and differentiation.
Support in testing creative briefs from suitable agencies and freelancers, shortlisting and research to help test and build magic concepts.
Support with the execution of the brand and new market growth strategies, including project management and leveraging our expert network.
8-10 Regent Street North, Adelaide South Australia 5000, Australia
Our team has worked with iconic brands big and small and are keen to work with more joyful brands making people smile. Brands with wonderful products, keen to grow. Craft beer, wine, tech, ice cream, FMCG or whatever.
Budgie Love is a brand strategy agency
We help Australian brands to grow and go global
Brand, market and export research and strategy
Have a lovely day 😃 !
Inspired by Lily D - Copyright © 2021 Budgie Love